


泰安開(kāi)發(fā)區(qū)季風(fēng)園藝場(chǎng) > 核桃樹(shù) > 核桃樹(shù) > 核桃苗=核桃樹(shù)苗=核桃樹(shù)價(jià)格

最后更新時(shí)間:2019/3/12 15:10:00


  • 核桃苗=核桃樹(shù)苗=核桃樹(shù)價(jià)格
  • 核桃苗=核桃樹(shù)苗=核桃樹(shù)價(jià)格廠
  • 核桃苗=核桃樹(shù)苗=核桃樹(shù)價(jià)格
  • ¥4.00
  • 供貨總量:供貨量充足

    發(fā)貨地點(diǎn):山東 泰安






泰安高新區(qū)季風(fēng)園藝場(chǎng)位于山東省著名的花木之鄉(xiāng)-北集坡,交通發(fā)達(dá)、運(yùn)輸便利。本苗圃十幾年來(lái)一直堅(jiān)持“客戶(hù)至上,信譽(yù)第一”的原則,優(yōu)質(zhì)優(yōu)價(jià)提供各種苗木品種,規(guī)格,大小齊全。自產(chǎn)自銷(xiāo), 本苗圃長(zhǎng)年供應(yīng)大批量,核桃苗,櫻桃苗,蘋(píng)果苗,梨苗,柿子苗等各種果樹(shù)苗木及各種綠化苗木, 各種苗木均有現(xiàn)貨,數(shù)量大,純度高、質(zhì)量好、價(jià)格低。 香玲核桃苗,豐產(chǎn)性強(qiáng)的品種。 聯(lián)系電話:【進(jìn)入商鋪查看】 聶先生 Xiang Ling walnut seedlings, high yield varieties with strong. 樹(shù)體中等大小,樹(shù)姿半開(kāi)張,幼樹(shù)時(shí)生長(zhǎng)較旺,結(jié)果后樹(shù)勢(shì)穩(wěn)定。 Tree of medium size, tree pose semi opened, young trees grow more prosperous, stable results after tree. 高接樹(shù)第二年開(kāi)花結(jié)果,坐果率85%以上。 After second years of high trees blossom fruit, fruit setting rate of more than 85%. 新栽植的嫁接苗第二年開(kāi)花株率60%以上,第三年開(kāi)花株率100%,盛果期畝產(chǎn)300-400公斤。 The new plant grafting seedling second years blossom strain rate of more than 60%, third years blossom strain rate 100%, Cheng Guo period mu produce 300-400 kg. 4月上旬萌芽展葉,中旬雄花盛期,4月中、下旬雌花盛期,9月中旬果實(shí)成熟,11月初落葉。 In early April germination-frondesce middle Sheng, male, female, 4 months late fruiting period in mid September 11, fruit ripening, early deciduous. 堅(jiān)果較大,平均單果重16.7g ,近圓錐形,大小均勻,殼皮光滑淡褐色,外形美觀,縫合線緊密。 Nuts is large, average fruit weight is 16.7g, nearly conical shell, uniform size, smooth skin pale brown, beautiful shape, suture close. 殼厚1.0-1.1mm,種仁飽滿(mǎn),內(nèi)褶壁退化,取仁容易,出仁率52%—53%。種仁含蛋白質(zhì)23.1%,粗脂肪65.8%, Shell thickness of 1.0-1.1mm, the kernel is full, inner pleat wall degradation, and fetching kernel, kernel rate 52% - 53%. Kernel containing 23.1% protein, fat 65.8%, 碳水化合物9.8%,Vb1 0.5mg ,Vb2 0.08mg ,仁色淺黃,風(fēng)味極佳,絕無(wú)澀味。 Carbohydrate 9.8%, Vb1 0.5mg, Vb2 0.08mg, kernel color yellow, excellent flavor, no astringency.   經(jīng)過(guò)多年連續(xù)多點(diǎn)觀察,該品種開(kāi)花晚,抗晚霜,抗旱耐瘠薄,對(duì)土壤要求不嚴(yán), After many years of continuous observation, the varieties of late night blossom, resistance, resistance to drought and barren, lax to edaphic requirement, 可以上山下灘,對(duì)炭疽病、黑斑病及干旱、干熱風(fēng)的抵御能力很強(qiáng), Can the beach, on anthracnose, black spot disease and drought, dry hot wind resistance ability is very strong, 在華北、西北、西南、東北南部均可大面積發(fā)展。 In North China, northwest, southwest, south of Northeast China can be large are


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